Wednesday, March 9, 2016

iPad Screen Repair – What Consumers Need To Know

Are you an avid iPad user? The iPad is undoubtedly one of Apple’s most popular products and the device is definitely designed to last for an extensive period of time. Still, there have been many consumers that have badly damaged their expensive iPad, by dropping it from a distance. If this happens, you’ll find yourself in a difficult situation and may need to enlist Apple’s support, in order to initiate the iPad screen repair. Before rushing ahead and shipping your iPad back to Apple, you should read the information below and better familiarize yourself with the repair procedure and process.

iPad Warranty

Before moving along, you should understand that Apple protects the majority of their electronics with some type of warranty. For the iPad, most buyers will receive a 1-year limited warranty, unless they’ve paid additionally, in order to extend it longer. It is also important to know that the warranty will generally not cover damages, which have been caused by abuse, misuse or accident. It is generally best to try and use your warranty, but the iPad screen repair may not be covered.

3 Components

Now, you should realize that the iPad’s screen actually comprises of three individual components. Each of these components is immensely important and your screen will not work properly, unless all three are working efficiently. The screen itself is nothing more than a protective barrier, which covers the digitizer and the LCD panel. The digitizer is responsible for recognizing your taps and gestures. It also translates this information and sends it to the iPad, so the associated function can be performed.

The LCD panel can be found underneath the front glass. Generally, this panel is easily replaced, when the other two components are removed.

What Is Needed?

Although attempting to perform the repair on your own might not be a wise choice, some people will be able to pull it off, without any difficulties. However, you will need some tools and additional items, in order to make it happen. First and foremost, you will need the replace parts. Generally, the screen and digitizer can be purchased together as a kit. A heat gun may also be required, since you’ll need to dislodge the adhesive, which holds the screen onto the iPad. You’ll also need a scalpel to carefully pry the front panel apart from the body of the iPad.

Otherwise, the necessary items will be provided with your screen repair kit.

What Could Go Wrong?

Although the repair procedure is somewhat simplistic, there is still a lot that could go wrong. Inside of the iPad, you will find a lot of tiny cables and wires. If you accidentally apply too much pressure or hit these cables with the scalpel, you could very well damage the device even more severely. Working slowly and tediously is immensely important, in order to avoid an even more costly repair.


Generally, a lot of people will be able to successfully perform this procedure on their own, but it is not recommended. There is plenty that could go wrong and hiring someone to do it for you might be your best option. Remember that a handful of reliable repair companies will be more than willing to provide you with their services and they’ll be able to return your iPad in fully functional condition, within a matter of days!